
What's Interesting, LATELY...

Books, Articles, Thoughts and the Like

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Wellbeing and Nothingness

Despite the headline pun, this post isn’t about Jean-Paul Sartre (though I am testing how philosophy references impact clickthrough—as Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”)

What this post is about: the importance of wellbeing and how leaders can best foster that in the workplace.

A recent Gallup / Workhuman report found that more than 70% of employees who feel fully recognized at work rate their overall work and personal lives more positively. These employees are dramatically less likely to become burned out at work and also much more likely to be engaged and productive on the job. Recognizing your team and organization yields benefits for both the business and its people.

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Always Check Your Blindspots

Confession: there are only two jokes that I reliably know. The first one goes like this: How many coaches does it take to change a light bulb?

One, but the light bulb has to want to change.

This joke opens a door for my clients to find ways around their self-created barriers to progress.

To amplify that search and help them see beyond the accessible and conscious barriers, I wheel out my second joke. 

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

If Something Doesn't Make Intellectual Sense

When there’s a logical disconnect and emotions flowing on both sides, your goal is not react solely based on emotion and instead be able to enact emotionally-informed constructive steps.

The key enacting vs. reacting? It’s the calmest of the fruits. It’s the PEAR. You want to:





SHAME keyboard

Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

How Shame Impacts Workplace Relationships

One problem leaders encounter when handling emotion-driven behavior at work is that they can inadvertently fuel it by becoming co-conspirators. If the leader runs with the team emotion(s) instead of pausing to identify how specific emotions and reactions drive team dysfunction, the opportunity cost can be quite significant.

One of the most common emotions driving problematic individual or team behavior is shame. As Brene Brown and others have noted many times, no one likes to talk about shame. However, to be an effective leader, you must have awareness and the ability to work with shame in a human, supportive and constructive manner.

What's STILL Interesting...

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Building the "best" workplace relationships

Intersubjectivity is a key concept to success in workplace (and all) relationships. If you get caught in conflict or a relationship isn't working, remembering that relational reality is intersubjective then tapping into your own powers of empathy is critical.

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Break bad brain habits to lead more effectively

High achievers master what I call “the star cycle” early in school and then build on and reinforce it in their early career. The star cycle entails being presented with a problem, solving for it and any adjacencies, then receiving praise and accolades (thus reinforcing the pattern, especially for anxiously attached individuals). In early career, the stars deepen the habit, now identifying next-stage problems and creating solutions that see around those corners. The positive reinforcement for becoming systems-seeing futurists at work is typically even stronger in terms of money and praise. Sometimes intoxicatingly so.

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Robert Waldinger, M.D. & Marc Schulz, Ph.D

Something to try at work tomorrow

Chapter 9 of this gem applies findings from the Harvard Study to relationships at work (near and dear to my heart; relationships matter everywhere!).

"Tomorrow when you get up and go to work, consider a few questions:

· Who are the people I most enjoy and value at work, and what is it about them that is valuable? Am I appreciating them?

· Who is different from me in some way (who thinks differently, comes from a different background, has different expertise), and what can I learn from that person?

· If I’m having a conflict with another worker, what can I do to alleviate it?

· What kinds of connections am I missing at work that I might want more of? Could I imagine a way to make these connections more likely, or richer?

· Do I really know my workmates? Is there someone I’d like to know better? How can I reach out to them? You might even pick that person with whom you seem to have the least in common, and make a point to be curious and ask about something that they’ve displayed, like pictures of family or pets or a T-shirt they wear at work."

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Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Giving thanks for imperfect help

Sometimes my clients find wisdom after discussing unexpected topics. Like Meatloaf. Not the singer, in this case. Actually just meatloaf….

Wild Problems book cover

Russ Roberts

Great exploration of an experiential approach to problem solving.

Our rational brains are great at some things, but less great at complexity. Leaders need to first consider more of their workplace decisions as "wild problems" rather than trying to quickly filter down to numbers and analytics. Roberts' approach here is instructive.

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Matt Klein

Always interesting with deep thoughts about technology and trends

Klein is a cultural theorist, cyberpsychologist and strategist. Zine's well worth a subscription.

The Intuitionist book cover

Colson Whitehead

Even in fiction, empiricism and intuition are at loggerheads

Reading fiction stretches your imagination, providing ideas that help solve challenges in your real life. It raises your capacity for empathy and your EQ. This book amazes and illuminates the challenges of bringing thinking and feeling together in an integrated way.

Emotional funnel of the brain

Josh Gibson on LinkedIn

Founders should invest early in emotional analytics

To effectively apply emotional intelligence skills, you need to think about your company landscape and your customers in the same way you approach using analytics for marketing or sales.