

Feet on the ground while reaching for the sky.

See your process to shift your path.

Neuroscience explains the narrative foundation of our thinking. We make sense of the world through stories. Stories are how we understand others and how we see ourselves. At Columbia and UCSF, I studied the mechanics of these brain systems. First as a therapist and now as a coach, I have come to repeatedly experience the power of positive stories in making change happen (as well as the power of negative stories to slow and obstruct us in moving forward).

Every aspect of our stories is defined by the operating system of our brains. Your brain's OS is similar but not exactly the same as everyone else's. Your brain uses heuristics and biases, some that serve you and some that fail to serve you. Some it overuses. Similarly, your ability to perceive, regulate and use your affective / emotional brain both benefits you and sometimes gets in your way. Self-awareness regarding how you operate is essential to reaching your goals. Inquiry-driven exploration in an accepting coaching relationship heightens your ability to see your process in action and helps you to be seen by the people that matter, leading to positive change for you at work and at home. Your feet are firmly on the ground once you can see the process of your own OS in the moment.

Seeing your process allows you to identify each step you need to take to reach your goals. Together we discover how you might best use the strengths of your OS, both thinking and feeling, to get you where you want to be. Simultaneously we discover where those systems can lead you astray and create obstacles – these are your blindspots. They've maybe gotten in your way before. We find and keep them in mind in order to optimize your movement forward. You live a fuller, authentic and effective story of who you are when you can explain how you operate to others and make better inferences about how other people’s OS. That's the path to reaching the sky.

The work of coaching requires commitment, courage, honesty and humility from both of us. If you're ready for that, let's talk about teaming up to get you where you want to be.

Picture of the sky and sculpture